This one is near and dear to my heart. This is where it all started for me (see ABOUT section for the full story if you have not visited already). Over the years, I have gradually converted all my old cassettes into CDs. I will happily do the same for you.
Conversions include the following:
You can also use your cassettes as soundtracks to your photo and/or video conversions. Ask how...
- removal of excess hiss via noise reduction technology
- separation of audio clips from your cassettes into individual CD tracks
- CD stored in plastic jewel cases with custom-made covers
- repair of any damaged cassettes
You can also use your cassettes as soundtracks to your photo and/or video conversions. Ask how...
- $5.00 - digital conversion (.mp3), no frills
- $15.00 - digital conversion with separate CD tracks, DVD slipcase cover with cover art
- $10.00 - repair of damaged cassette